

Our clients with migraines have gotten great results with the Bliss.
And many people around the country have gotten relief from various kinds of chronic pain --
back pain, joint pain, arthritis, neuropathy,
and even from crippling diseases like MS. 


“I used to struggle with debilitating migraines. They would come at least once per month and would leave me incapacitated for up to 3 days at a time with terrible pain, light and sound-sensitivity and horrible nausea. 

My doctor prescribed a strong medication for my migraines but I found that if I didn't take it in time, it didn't halt my migraine entirely and I would still lose many days of productivity. The medication was also very expensive. 

I initially started using the Bliss Health and Wellness system for prevention and treatment of sports-injuries but very soon discovered that it had many other uses. I then tried it for my migraines - applying it just as I began to feel the onset of an aura -  and within 30 min, my symptoms were completely gone! No aura, no pain, no light or sound sensitivity! I was astounded at the idea that I would not lose 3 days to my migraine. 

I started using the Bliss daily for 5 - 20min and now, 3 years on, I can happily report that I hardly ever have migraines anymore! I went from having at least 12 per year to only having one aura in 2023. And when that aura presented itself, I simply sat under the Bliss pads for 30 minutes and all signs of my migraine disappeared. 

I am saving so much money not having to buy those medications anymore, and my mental health has improved so much because I no longer worry that a migraine will appear unexpectedly, causing me to put my life on hold for 3 days. I am so grateful for my Bliss. I used to travel everywhere with my migraine meds. Now I travel everywhere with my Bliss. My only regret is that I didn't have this system sooner. It would have spared me so much pain, time, productivity and money."


While everyone who has used the Bliss Health & Wellness system for headaches and migraines has told us that this has been very helpful, the really important thing to consider is that in 2013 the FDA approved this type of treatment for migraines. 

      I was having considerable back pain, so I went to see a chiropractor. She took x-rays of my back, then told me she was amazed that I was on my feet.. She said that someone with my level of disk damage would normally be in a wheelchair.

      So when I discovered the Bliss, I decided I had to try it, although I had very low expectations.

      Before I used the Bliss regularly, it was common to wake up in the morning with a lot of pain in my lower back. I would hobble around the house bent over like an old woman. After using the Bliss every day on a chair that I sit on frequently, I discovered that I didn’t have any pain anymore. I could stand up straight, move around quickly and confidently, with no awareness or concern about my back. But if I skipped using the Bliss for a day, the pain came back. Needless to say, I make sure to use it now, every day. -- M.E.


"Hi David,
So very grateful that I had a Bliss Machine to assist with my healing.
After just two weeks I am walking around, doing grocery shopping
without crutches or a knee walker. 
Thanks so much for creating an affordable machine that has
really helped me get my life back very quickly."    -- C.W.

I originally got the Bliss primarily to help my clients. 
I have many clients who have struggled with pain management.  As a massage therapist, I was able to provide relief that, for some, was only temporary.  Introducing the Bliss to many of my clients provided much-needed relief for them, some to the point of being able to go off of their pain med entirely.
Seeing these great benefits with my clients, I purchased one to keep at our home.  When my husband was struggling with a virus that affected his joints, the Bliss was able to help manage his pain.  We are so grateful to have been introduced to such a profoundly effective device to manage pain. –G.H., Massage therapist 

I have had chronic venous stasís skin issues on both lower legs for the past 20 years. I have had to do active wound care for most of those years. The wound care required daily or twice a day dressing changes taking time as well as expensive dressings. The results were slow and at best resulted in open wounds that wouldn’t drain.
Two years ago my friend, Alice, loaned me her Bliss unit and after about 2 weeks of daily overnight use my skin lesions were closed, and while the skin condition continues there are rarely any blisters that progress to the open draining wounds.
Since I bought my own Bliss unit, I use it almost every night for prevention rather than for treatment. I do use one pad under my legs and the other one under my lower back when that issue flares up. I get lower back pain relief in one to three overnight sessions.  I highly recommend the Bliss unit for skin as well as muscular issues.     -- K.F., RN

Mainly I got the Bliss (well, mom blessed us with it) for arthritis in my hands and plantar fascitis in both feet. I had tried pain killers, stretches and shoe arch supports, with minimal results.
Since using the Bliss, the arthritis in my hands is 98% gone, the plantar fascitis needs continued attention but is controllable now. I have gotten 100% relief from severe sinus headaches and with other muscle strains and aches. I'm currently treating a hip problem I've developed from a sedentary job. 
My husband also uses it on his chronic lower back pain, hand pain, prostate trouble and right now groin pain due to his training on his bicycle. In the evenings we have to share. My husband recently cut his hand pretty severely (needing 10 stiches), and used the Bliss to speed healing. It healed very quickly and he hardly lost any time at work. --M.O.

 I got the Bliss to help with a back injury and also to help with multiple sclerosis symptoms such as walking difficulties and leg spasticity.  Before using the Bliss I used Ibuprofen for my back injury. For the multiple sclerosis I used prescribed medications to help with future flare ups of symptoms. I would also use a muscle relaxer for the leg spasticity.
 My back pain was gone within 4 days of using the Bliss twice a day. I feel that when I use the Bliss consistently my walking is improved. I try to focus on placing the Bliss along my spinal column due to the fact that it is where many of my lesions are located. I figure it wise to start at the source!
 My mother had a recent fall and is ready to buy her own unit as she has seen the benefits through observing me.  --  J.B., teacher

I'm 77 and have circulatory, muscle and back problems.
I purchased the Bliss because of the logic of the therapy and circulatory and back problems. Then a minor fall created muscle issues and an Osteoarthritis diagnosis. I've been using the Bliss for 18 months, on average 5 times a week, 20 minutes each time. 
The Bliss helps me recover from yard work and the discomfort of a long day.  My husband, 79, who is a type II diabetic, has been using it 3 times a week for the last six months.   Neither of us has severe symptoms or pain, so we don't see the more dramatic improvements that others get. As our goal is to stay healthy and functional as long as possible, I'm counting on the Bliss to help maintain our health for years to come.
So grateful to Dr. Sobers for making this health option possible and affordable.    --M.B., Albuquerque 

I am pleased to do whatever I can to help get your healing message out to the world.
From our first discussion I was convinced the Bliss would help support my knee problems, and I had Stem Cell Injections that were just showing some progress. I needed to support my Thyroid problems too. There were also some issues starting with my prostate.
 I am pleased to say that all these health issues are no longer issues after two years of using the Bliss.
My knees are doing very well and I believe the Bliss contributed significantly to the stem cell growth and healing, as I now walk and stand up with no pain or fatigue. Two years ago I had difficulty walking up and down stairs and had pain just standing up. Stairs are no problem for me now.
I am using the Bliss also to relax my whole body and mind daily by setting it at 5 and using the pads on my abdomen and legs. Usually I just fall asleep for a few minutes and wake refreshed. 
Generally we use this for any pains anywhere in the body, and we take the Bliss with us anytime we travel.
David has made an excellent instrument. -- L.H., PhD, Belen, NM

I got the Bliss because of pain due to osteoarthritis in hands, neck and back, and for right shoulder pain after numerous severe falls. 

Before I got the Bliss, I had Physical Therapy and steroid injections, with little to no benefit. 
While using the Bliss may have prevented the pain in my shoulder from getting worse, I find it is very helpful on short-term ailments like a pulled back. I am pretty much right back to normal after a couple of days use of the Bliss. 
We really appreciate it! No one else in my family has used it, although I have told my husband he should try it the next time he pulls his back out.         –E.S., Albuquerque

Initially, I got the Bliss machine to assist with knee pain.  Both knees have had torn meniscus tissue, and I’ve had one surgery on the left knee and two surgeries on the right.  To avoid any further surgery, have had stem cell injections in both.
Want to remain active (short hikes 30-40 minutes, biking and yoga).  Using the Bliss machine helped tremendously with aching knees and soreness inside my knees.  Spending 30 minutes or longer with the pads between and on top of knees takes away my discomfort, so I’m able to remain active.  I continue to use Bliss daily when possible. 
My husband plays golf several days/week.  Often his feet will ache as well as his lower back.  For him, 20 minutes with one Bliss pad under his feet and one behind his back takes his pain away.  He does not use it every day, as he doesn’t have to. Seems as though one treatment lasts him for several days!
I find that using the Bliss machine increases circulation throughout the affected areas, and assists my body in healing.  Wouldn’t be without it! – J.McC., Albuquerque

My wife tried chiropractic work for pain throughout her body. Before the Bliss, she had too many treatments, with so little results. Now she gets results.
The Bliss is convenient because we have it at home to use. And it does work!
I've gotten relief using it for sore lower back after doing yard chores. –G.C., Albuquerque
My husband has COPD and comes down with bronchitis each year, with some occurrences lasting as long as three to four months. It was miserable. He was prescribed multiple antibiotics and has taken them to the point where they no longer work.
Now, with the Bliss, if my husband gets bronchitis, he sits with the Bliss pad for up to two hours every day, and the bronchitis slowly abates. He has not had to take antibiotics since purchasing Bliss.
Thank you guys for making and selling us the Bliss pad. It has made a world of difference! – J.L., Albuquerque

After my fitness class today, I noticed I had hurt my knee. I don’t often get sport injuries because of my generally good level of conditioning, but today was different. I have been limping all day and at dinner, my mom reminded me of the Bliss. As my “technician”, she set me up well. She selected the ideal setting and put me on for 30min. Obviously, I was surprised to note that I felt absolutely no discomfort (or anything, for that matter) the whole way through. I used the time to research this technology on the internet (we had momentarily misplaced your extensive booklet on the subject - we since located it, yay!). I was not surprised to learn that it is a widely sought-after and an evidence-based therapy. After all - my mom has been going on and on about it since she arrived haha!
My 30min session done and I still couldn’t walk or straighten the leg at the knee. I hadn’t expected a miracle recovery because my reading has me understanding that it can take numerous sessions to observe the effects. However, in an unconscious moment about 30min later, my daughter shouted “look mommy! Your leg is straight!”. Lo-and-behold, I had extended the leg without any discomfort. I still couldn’t walk on it, though. I put kids to bed and climbing out of the bed about 1hr after the treatment, I was able to stand and walk on the leg! I’ve taken no analgesics and done no treatment for the inflammation (rest, ice, compression, elevation). -- N.K.


As you know, the FDA does not approve any treatment or any drug or device without vast research and testing showing that it is effective and safe. To get FDA approval for a specific device or drug is very expensive, costing upwards of five million dollars or more. And then that device is approved for only that health condition. Furthermore, any change at all in the device -- even any improvement -- requires a new application to the FDA. That is why we are offering the Bliss only as a general wellness device, not a specific treatment for any health condition. 

Copyright (c) 2016 Mobirise.